Story of my twisted ankle this week


Story 1 

Aliens came through my workplace building’s wall. They came here to tell us that the pollution we cause on the planet earth, also have impact on their planet.  So basically, Aliens came to fight with us, but I talk to them and offered peace. They agreed not to fight with us with a promise that we human will be conscious and will take care of our planet earth.  

Believe you me, they were very angry at us but due to my extra ordinary mediation  skill (wink wink) and assurance of commitment to care about the nature and environment; they agree to go back to their planet without harming us. However, they left a warning message that if you humans don’t change. They will come back again and next time it will be a war! I assured them that don’t worry, we humans are also good people, and We will take care of our planet. 

So, when they were leaving, one of them was facing difficulty while entering into the hole back. I tried to help him, I slipped, and I twisted my ankle.  

Story 2 

I was playing table tennis; I fell against the wall and I twisted my ankle.

I know you won’t believe that I twisted my ankle while playing Table tennis, right?  You are going to believe the alien story since the alien story sounds more convincing and truthful. 

LOL (I really don’t know what LOL stands for something with laughing right) 

Anyway, one of these two stories is true, and I got injured but luckily no fracture and I am recovering very fast.

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