Farmers of India


Every state of India has a contribution in agricultural production. For example, large contribution of coconut, coffee and spices comes from Southern part of India. A large contribution of cotton, peanuts and sugarcane from Western India, Major contribution of wheat, rice, pulses, sugarcane and jute from East and Central India. Tea from North East and Mustard from the North west. Wheat and rice from Central and Eastern part of India. 

Some states have a large contribution and some have maybe smaller but every part of India contributes. But according to Bollywood and TV channels in New Delhi, all the farmers of India live in Punjab only.

Here is few interesting facts regarding agriculture production in India. Punjab is far behind from Uttar Pradesh in wheat production, while it is behind Bengal in rice production and Punjab is in the bottom list in horticulture production such as fruits, flowers, vegetables, spices, natural medicine, honey etc. In Milk production, Punjab comes after Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.

While I do not believe in regionalism and my friends are in every corner of the world. I also respect the contribution of Punjab, but we have to show the mirror of truth and reality to those, who are immersed in false sense of pride.

Farmers do not live only in Punjab, about fifty percent of India's population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. I am also from farmer family. I lived a life of farmer from my childhood to my teenager age before I left my village for my further education. 

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