
I have wanted to make Dosa for quite some time. I have seen people cooking but had never done it by myself. I wanted to make it in an authentic way, so I called a friend who is from Mysore, a town in the southern part of India famous for Dosa. I asked her about the ingredients. She told me quite a few things to use as ingredients. I found I have three of them on my shelf and these three are the key ingredients to make the Dosa batter.

Rice - any rice would work
Urad Dahl - Split Black beans, you have to go to an Indian store to get this one.
Methi Seeds - Fenugreek seeds. Available in supermarkets, look in the herbs and spice section, if you can't find it in the supermarket then check at Indian store.

Traditionally the ratio of Rice and Urad beans is 4:1 but I used half rice and half split Urad beans to make it protein rich and a teaspoon of Methi seeds. Soak all together for 4-5 hours into water. 

I measure the quantity with the fist. I used 6 fistfuls of Rice and the same amount of urad beans. You easily can make 10-12 Dosa with this quantity. You can also store the batter in the fridge to use for the next few days. I would personally use the batter max three days, if the batter is left.

Once soaked, now rinse and wash them with water.  Put them into a grinder and add little water and salt as per your taste. Grind it until it has a smooth creamy texture. 

Now you have to keep this batter to ferment for some time at room temperature. It is said to be 8-10 hours in warm weather. It can take 1-2 days in cold weather. I kept it for a day and half. 

Meanwhile you can cook some mixed vegetables for stuffing. I cooked Cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms and I added one Potato. Potatoes make it so tasty.  I added some spices like, curry leaves, mustard seeds, turmeric, garam Masala and coriander. I also added two tablespoons  of desiccated coconut in my mixed vegetables.   

Once your batter is ready. Use a flat pan to cook. Under medium heat, oil the pan.  Cooking Dosa wrap is similar to the pancake. Fill a ladle with the batter, Drop the batter at the center and use the back of the ladle to spread the batter all around.  

Cooking Oil - Any oil would do, I used coconut oil.

On the top, drizzle a little bit of oil. Sprinkle some herbs and spices if you like. Let the bottom get it cooked nicely. It will become crispy on the bottom. Now put the cooked vegetables in the middle of the Dosa wrap like a straight line. I also added some Avocados on top. Use something like a hard spatula to release the bottom from the pan. It should easily come out once the bottom is crispy. 

Make a fold and your Dosa is ready. Enjoy!

Don't know if you can't go wrong with Dosa or maybe I did good :) It did taste good. 
#vegan #glutenfree #PlantBased #PlantProtein

*my recipe is based on traditional recipes. I do little experiments with recipes. People who use traditional recipes, Please don't be offended.    

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