
I have wanted to make Dosa for quite some time. I have seen people cooking but had never done it by myself. I wanted to make it in an authentic way, so I called a friend who is from Mysore, a town in the southern part of India famous for Dosa. I asked her about the ingredients. She told me quite a few things to use as ingredients. I found I have three of them on my shelf and these three are the key ingredients to make the Dosa batter.

Rice - any rice would work
Urad Dahl - Split Black beans, you have to go to an Indian store to get this one.
Methi Seeds - Fenugreek seeds. Available in supermarkets, look in the herbs and spice section, if you can't find it in the supermarket then check at Indian store.

Traditionally the ratio of Rice and Urad beans is 4:1 but I used half rice and half split Urad beans to make it protein rich and a teaspoon of Methi seeds. Soak all together for 4-5 hours into water. 

I measure the quantity with the fist. I used 6 fistfuls of Rice and the same amount of urad beans. You easily can make 10-12 Dosa with this quantity. You can also store the batter in the fridge to use for the next few days. I would personally use the batter max three days, if the batter is left.

Once soaked, now rinse and wash them with water.  Put them into a grinder and add little water and salt as per your taste. Grind it until it has a smooth creamy texture. 

Now you have to keep this batter to ferment for some time at room temperature. It is said to be 8-10 hours in warm weather. It can take 1-2 days in cold weather. I kept it for a day and half. 

Meanwhile you can cook some mixed vegetables for stuffing. I cooked Cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms and I added one Potato. Potatoes make it so tasty.  I added some spices like, curry leaves, mustard seeds, turmeric, garam Masala and coriander. I also added two tablespoons  of desiccated coconut in my mixed vegetables.   

Once your batter is ready. Use a flat pan to cook. Under medium heat, oil the pan.  Cooking Dosa wrap is similar to the pancake. Fill a ladle with the batter, Drop the batter at the center and use the back of the ladle to spread the batter all around.  

Cooking Oil - Any oil would do, I used coconut oil.

On the top, drizzle a little bit of oil. Sprinkle some herbs and spices if you like. Let the bottom get it cooked nicely. It will become crispy on the bottom. Now put the cooked vegetables in the middle of the Dosa wrap like a straight line. I also added some Avocados on top. Use something like a hard spatula to release the bottom from the pan. It should easily come out once the bottom is crispy. 

Make a fold and your Dosa is ready. Enjoy!

Don't know if you can't go wrong with Dosa or maybe I did good :) It did taste good. 
#vegan #glutenfree #PlantBased #PlantProtein

*my recipe is based on traditional recipes. I do little experiments with recipes. People who use traditional recipes, Please don't be offended.    

First three weeks in New Zealand

About four or five years ago I saw a Facebook post in a group named after my hometown. A person trying to trace his roots somewhere in my hometown. I talked to my father if he can help. A year later I got a call from his cousin that they found the village where his ancestors came from. I was very happy to hear that. I was connected with him through Facebook. Last month I saw his Facebook update that he is here in New Zealand. I texted him where he is about here in New Zealand. He said he is in Auckland at this moment. I live in Auckland too. We decided to meet. 

This meeting is not of just two individuals. His ancestors were from my village and they left for Fiji about 120 years ago. Since then they never had any contact with their roots. I understand those days it wasn't easy to communicate. Now we are in a technology age where communication from far is so instant.  With the help of technology and the internet, he got to find out about his roots.  Who knew 120 years later that two individuals having the roots from the same place will meet miles and miles away here in New Zealand? I went to see him. It was very nice to meet him and to get to know him and his family in Fiji. It was a nice meeting with him.  Later I went to drop him off at the place where he was staying. 

When I went to drop him, I realised this is the area where I stayed for the first three weeks when I came to New Zealand.  I saw the street and the house where I stayed. First, I dropped him at his place and later I parked the car and went for a walk on this street which was bridging the memory back of my early days as a new immigrant in this country. I remember the street and few familiar shops. Most of the shops were closed and Street was mostly empty. I checked the time. It was already 8.50 PM. I don’t know if it was coincidence or something else when I noticed the date of the watch which was 18th March. I realised that today's the 18th of March, 7 years ago when I left India to come to New Zealand. Here again after 7 years later on the eve of completing 7 years here in New Zealand, I am on the same street where I came for the first time in New Zealand. I see the street, the place, the shops. Back to the same place after 7 years exactly on the same date. What a coincidence! Was there some message in it, I don't know?

Actually, I stayed only three weeks at this place and I never came back after leaving this place. But this place became part of my life journey. I had a very rough memory associated with the place. I will tell you why this place scares me.

I was flatting in a house. There were few other people, but most of them moved out in a day or two. All of them were new immigrants from India or Sri Lanka. Owner of the house is a lady in her 40s I guess, living by herself. She would not allow us to cook in the kitchen. We have to cook in the garage on a temporary setup. I was fine with it. I was cooking only one meal other times I will eat fruits or make a sandwich or something. I am new here and looking for work. I will open my computer and apply for jobs. Sometimes I will work on something to brush up my technical skills. Since I had a laptop computer which has an inbuilt battery, I need charge when the battery is over. I will tell you about me that I care for this planet, our mother earth. I am not a Greenpeace activist, but I avoid using electricity or vehicles if possible. 

One day I needed to charge my computer. I notice that there is no power in my room. I asked the house owner about it and if there was a power outage or something. She told me that she has switched off the supply for my room and she does it every day, so you all don't use unnecessary power. I said fair enough, but I don't use much power. I got nothing except a computer and a phone to charge. I started charging my phone and computer at night times. In just a few days since I came to this house, she started harassing me. She seems to be so obsessed with electricity usage.

One day I was in the toilet when I came out, she was standing at the toilet door. She literally freaked me out and she started asking me like an interrogation if I used the light bulb.  I said no, it was daytime and bright. She kept scolding me that she will charge extra money. This is only the end of the first week at this place, now I know why people were moving out. From that day I started looking for a new place. 

Same week to find a new place. But to move out from my current place, I need to give her two weeks’ notice as per the commitment. I gave her notice that I will be moving out after two weeks. And then things started getting worse.

One day I washed my clothes. She would not allow any of the tenants to use the dryer. Weather was okay in the daytime, so I put my clothes outside on the rope which was very small and not enough for all of my clothes. I have to place my clothes on top of each other. This cloth rope was at the side of the house, quite a narrow space and not enough sun. Well I had no other option. Later it started raining heavily, so I rushed to bring my clothes inside. Clothes were still wet. Well I brought them inside. I made one mistake that I forgot to lock the side door which gives access from that side of the house.  An hour later when she noticed that door was not locked properly. She called me and started threatening me that she knew my plan about robbing her house. I was shocked to hear what nonsense she is talking about. I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. She told me that I intentionally left the side door unlocked.  I said sorry I might have forgotten to lock the door, but I didn’t do it intentionally. And do you really think that I came all the way from India to rob your house.  She told me that she has my details and if anything happens in her house, she would call the cops.  I got scared of this lady after listening to her such imaginations.  I told her don’t worry I am an engineer by profession. I write programming code. I came here as a skilled migrant and I don’t do the “robbing house” job.

I have just arrived in this country and spent a week or two and this is my first experience in this country. Frankly speaking I was scared. This house owner literally scared me. I was like if she makes a few more false accusations and takes me to the cops. I knew nothing would happen to me since I didn't do anything bad. But it's just unnecessary stress.  I talked to the people where I was supposed to be moving next week. I asked them if I can move there tomorrow?'' They asked me what about the notice period at your current place. I told them I have already paid the rent in advance and I know that I won't get it back. It's fine. I will lose some money, but I can’t continue to stay here under such harassment. I would like to move to tomorrow, if possible. They said yes, you can start living here from tomorrow.   

I told my house owner that I am moving out tomorrow. She was asking where you are going. I told her going to Christchurch which wasn't true but why it matters to her where I am going. She started threatening me again that if I don't live here one more week, she is going to charge me extra and she will not refund my bond money. I told her I have already paid you the rent in advance. I am not asking my rent back, I know you won’t give it to me. But please give me my bond money back. She agreed to return the bond money only. Next day she came to inspect my room when I was leaving, and she showed me two marks on the wall, one mark was quite higher than my height. The second mark which I noticed was on the side of the wall. Believe me I didn't make any mark. She threatened me that she would call the cops. I told her Please go ahead. Later she deducted 100 dollars from my bond money, and she gave me the remaining amount. At this stage I don’t want to argue with her. I lost another 100 dollars for nothing.

While leaving, I thanked her for providing accommodation in her house. But she was blabbering with anger that she has my details and if I rob her house, she would call the cops. By this time, I was sure she had some issue in her mind or maybe she had a bad experience with any of her previous tenants. Anyway, for me it is time to move on. I just greeted her with thank you and Namaste and came out from her house. But I would be scared if she calls the cops. I knew nothing would happen, I didn’t do anything wrong but unnecessary hassle for me. I went to the bus stop and caught the bus, a bit relieved and free. I can breathe now.   

When I was on the bus, I got quite a few texts on my phone from her. These texts were full of so many abuses and hateful things. She wrote to me "You are born black because you committed sins in your past life". "You Indians are criminals''. She also cursed that "You will never have a house. You will make your life poor and homeless".  Believe me I did not take any words of her seriously. She also sent me a text to send her 200 dollars otherwise she would complain about the marks on the wall to the cops. By this time, I was assured that she was a psycho. Sorry to use this Psycho word but something was pretty wrong with her. 

Later when I shared this incident with few friends, they told me that I should have complained to the authorities here. Authorities are very strict against any sort of harassment. Well I was new here. I didn't want to indulge in this painful process. One or two weeks later another flatmate from the same house texted me that he also moved out, and she was threatening him as well to give her more money otherwise she would call the cops. He also told her to go ahead.

I don't know why she had so much hate for India or Indian people. The house owner lady was herself a Fijian Indian. She was following all the rituals of Indian customs and culture. Recently I told about this incident recently to one of my very good friends who is of Fiji Indian origin. She asked me if this incident made me hate Fijian Indian people. Her mom was also present, and she said if that was the case, he wouldn't have been your friend. Yes, Aunty is right that an individual's behaviour doesn't make the whole country, geography or a particular race bad. 

There are bad people and good people everywhere. If we start making a generalisation on the basis of a few individuals' behaviour, then the whole world is bad. But this world is beautiful and there are so many amazing people in this world. Even those whom we think or consider bad people, the thing with them is that they are also part of this earth. Maybe they are the medium to show us the mirror that we should not behave like them. Experiences we consider bad, make us to be appreciative of everything which brings us comfort, happiness, joy and peace. 

This was just one experience which frightened me since it started my journey here in New Zealand but my last seven years, I have made so many friends here. People are amazing and so welcoming. Thank you, Aotearoa (New Zealand) whanau(family) for the aroha(love) and the welcome.  
Tēnā koutou katoa 

अन्नदाता सुखी रहें

लॉकडाउन ने इतना तो एहसास करा दिया होगा कि हमारे जीवन सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता भोजन है। 

और भोजन को खेत से आपकी थाली तक पहुँचने में सोचिए कितने लोगों का परिश्रम लगा है, खाद बीज की फ़ैक्टरी से लेकर, किसान, मज़दूर, ट्रांसपोर्ट, दुकानदार और आपके परिवार का सदस्य जो बाज़ार से ख़रीद कर  लाया और किसी सदस्य ने उस भोजन को पका कर आपके सामने परोसा है. 

आपकी भोजन की थाली हज़ारों लाखों लोगो के परिश्रम का फल है। 

और कुछ लोग जो भोजन में कमियाँ निकलते हो कि नमक कम है तेल कम या मसाला कम है ये कम ये ज्यादा। अगली बार जब भोजन करने बैठना तब यह सोचना कि यह भोजन कैसे और कहाँ से तक का रास्ता तय करते हुए आपकी थाली में पहुँचा है. और भोजन बेकार फेका ना जाये।  

हो सके तो मन में उन सभी का धन्यवाद करना जिनके परिश्रम से भोजन आपकी थाली तक पहुँचा। 

महंगा फ़ोन, महँगी गाड़ी, आलीशान बंगला नहीं भी हुआ तो जीवन चलेगा पर अगर अनाज सब्ज़ी फल नमक तेल मसाला चाय चीनी बंद होता तो सारा पैसा धरा का धरा रह जाता. 

मंदिर मस्जिद चर्च गुरुद्वारा का अपनी जगह महत्व होगा पर इस संकट ने हमें यह भी दिखा दिया है कि हमारी प्राथमिकता क्या होनी चाहिए। किसका क्या महत्व है सब सामने है। 

लॉकडाउन एक सीख लेकर आया है. आज से किसान, मज़दूर, कारीगर, ड्राइवर, दुकानदार जो भी आपको किसी तरह की सेवा या वस्तु देता है, उसको धन्यवाद बोलना मत भूलना. गरीब से मोलभाव मत करना और जो संपन्न हैं वो एक दो रुपया ज्यादा ही दे दिया करो आपके जेब पर कुछ फ़र्क़ नहीं पड़ेगा पर गरीब की मदद जो जाएगी, आशीर्वाद मिलेगा. 

सुरक्षित रहें इस संकट से हम निकलेंगे ज़रूर। 

जय राम जी की 🙏 

सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः

मेरे अनुसार किसी मरकज़ के अपराध को इस्लाम के सभी अनुयायियों से जोड़ना उचित नहीं होगा।

सब के सब औरंगज़ेब और जिन्ना नहीं हो सकते। भारत में अश्फ़ाक उल्ला खान भी हैं, अब्दुल हमीद भी है और डॉक्टर अब्दुल कलाम भी हैं। 

मै कितने लोगों को व्यक्तिगत जानता हूँ जो राष्ट्र निर्माण में तन मन धन न्योछावर करते रहे हैं।   

इस्लामिक कट्टरवाद के ख़िलाफ़ मै भी बोलता हूँ और मेरा विरोध इस्लाम के नाम पर हो रहे अंधविश्वास, हिंसक और कट्टरवादी विचारधारा से है इस्लाम से मेरा कोई विरोध नहीं है। और ना ही इस्लाम को मानने वालों से कोई विरोध है। आप शांति से ईश्वर की उपासना करो उसमें किसी को क्या आपत्ति होगी। पर अंधविश्वास, हिंसा और कट्टरता करने वाला चाहे किसी भी सम्प्रदाय का हो उससे मेरी असहमति है और उनका विरोध है।  

जैसे हज़ारों लाखों पूजा पद्धतियाँ है उन में से एक इस्लाम भी है। पूजा पद्धति ही अलग है पर सब के पुरखे  एक हैं, ख़ून एक है और सबसे बड़ी बात जन्म लेने वाला नवजात ना तो हिंदू होता है ना मुसलमान होता है। जिस संस्कार और जिस परवरिश में पालन पोषण होता है बड़ा होकर वही बनता है। 

मेरा अनुरोध है कि प्रेम और मानवता चुनो। औरंगज़ेब नहीं डॉक्टर अब्दुल कलाम का रास्ता चुनो। कंस कृष्ण का मामा था और रावण महापंडित शिव भक्त था। पर सत्य, शांति, मानवता, प्रेम और धर्म में विश्वास रखने वाला कृष्ण और राम को पूजता है रावण और कंस को नहीं।       

सरकार को गाली देना आसान है। पर ख़ुश क़िस्मत हो कि तुम्हें मोदी और योगी जैसे कर्म योगी मिले हैं। इस  संकट में युधस्तर का प्रबंधन पूरी दुनिया के लिए एक मिशाल है। और यह मै नहीं कह रहा हूँ बड़े बड़े एक्स्पर्ट लोग बताते हैं कि संसाधनो की कमी होते हुए भी भारत में इस स्तर का प्रबंधन एक अपने में ही एक आश्चर्य है। 

विश्व के बड़े बड़े समृद्ध देश आज अपने घुटने पर चुके हैं, उसके विपरीत भारत बहुत अच्छा कर रहा है। यह संकट टलेगा पर सबके सहयोग से। नकारात्मता, घृणा और आपसी वैमनस्व त्याग संयम रखते हुए सुविचारों से सहयोग करो।       

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः,
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःख भाग्भवेत्।

सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी बनना पड़े।

शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः