See you friend!

Many years ago I was 13 years old that time. I used to hangout a lot with my very good friend Sandeep Sahani. Although he was my classmate since my primary school but we became very good friend at first year of our high school. Summer holidays was about to start. One day he told me that his father who was working for bank, is getting transferred to another place. I was there when my friend was leaving. I still remember his face and the feeling that we might not see each other again. I remember I used to cry every night next couple of days. 

 Afterward this feeling that “When I will see my friend again” stroked me many times. Be it university, work places or places where I lived. I remember after completing University, next couple of months I would wake up in night and cry while missing my friends. 

Last weekend I went to drop my friend, while coming back I saw my friend was smiling but I could feel sadness of separation behind smile. I felt the same which I had first time when I was 13 years old. I was about to cry but somehow I controlled myself. I came back to my place and I was having dinner with two of the world’s best people. I am fortunate that they are my friend.  While being in their company, I could not hold my emotions for long. I started crying. I was crying, my friends came to me and sat with me. They were comforting me and it did help.    

My friend I miss you, every time when I have think about dinner plan, I will be prompt to check what your plan is for dinner. Suddenly I will realize that you are miles away now. You are very nice person. I am fortunate that I spend such a beautiful time with you.   

Lots of love! See you.