Thanks all you three! You guys made my day.

Some people call it bad day when they have rough time on that day.  I am not sure if I want to call it bad day but I had some rough time yesterday. Injured myself twice. Faced racial discriminatory expressions also twice. Believe me such things happen very rarely but somehow it happened many times yesterday.  

But there were beautiful moments as well in evening time. I went for a walk with a friend on coastal side. Saw some sea creatures, like crab, star fish, kina and jellyfish. Thank you very much my friend for your company.

Cooked dinner with friend. Had some interesting conversations! Food was awesome! Thank you very much for cooking dinner with me.

It was end of the day. I said good bye to my friends with warm hug. Few incidents were still making me feel kind of sad. I was bit worried what if I don’t get proper sleep. 

I was walking towards my room to sleep still having these thoughts.  Suddenly I saw my friend is walking towards me. My mood changed immediately. I was super excited to see my friend. My friend offered me a cup of tea, spend some time and had some conversations. It was very comforting to see you and spend time with you. Thank you for warm hug. I think I needed one!