You are in my thoughts.

Since last few days I am thinking a lot about you.  I could feel and sense the change in my heartbeat when I think about you. I feel warmth inside my heart when I close my eyes and I see you smiling. We haven’t spent much time together but whatever little time I spend with you; every moment is unforgettable beautiful dream.   I see an aura with you; aura is layered with many colors of hope, love and future.  Somehow I feel that you are the one.  Not sure if this is just an attraction. But the same time I also think why I am attracted with you not with anyone else in such a long time. I think being attracted to you might lead me to a path of our destiny. 

I have added the picture of my clay work. First time I have done clay work with the help of my friend. I did not know what I am making; there was certainly inspiration from my friend’s clay work. I had no plan or design in my mind when I was doing this clay work;   there was only one thing in mind and it was you. This flower came out as my work while floating into my thoughts with you. 

I don’t know why suddenly I have this feeling and I don’t want to impose my feelings on you. I know you will understand that it’s not easy for me to control myself from having feeling for especially a wonderful person like you. It all started over a cup of tea with you. I want to be part in your journey of freedom. I want to walk together. I want to capture your expression in my long lasting memory. I feel you are a free spirit and I don’t want to jeopardize your freedom. Please don’t be worried about my feelings. I will be fine as long you are happy.

Stay happy and stay blessed.