
First I wrote same article in Hindi language which is my mother tongue. I decided to write in English as well to scale up the reach, Yes! the language in which i am not very good at. But i have tried to express my thoughts in English . I hope that you will like it. Please pardon my mistakes if you find any. Comments, criticism and suggestions are most welcome, Please don't hesitate. Please don't stop here, read full article.
Someone name “Tiwari” passed a comment or maybe criticism on somebody called “Mohammad”, mob of millions gathered. Riots took place, roads were blocked. defence personals were attacked.  Private vehicles,  police stations, shops and administrative offices were torched. People in mob were abusing “Tiwari” and demanding Death punishment for him. 

Some movie actor name “Khan” was seen wearing shoes on the set of a Hindu temple, thousands social media posts surfaced to boycott “Khan” and his films.

In both cases they were alleged to insult God. Isn't such intolerance is open display of terrorism and religious fanaticism? 
Is God so rigid that he can’t tolerate criticism? Is God so small that if someone wears shoes in God’s temple then God will punish that person? 

If someone start killing for a criticism then how come he/she can be a god. What kind of god will punish someone for wearing shoes? If someone can’t tolerate criticism, then why he/she is god. And if someone starts killing somebody for criticism, he is certainly a devil. 

I think, in ancient time people were much wiser than us. They used to pray nature. They treated Sun as god because Sun provides light. Rivers were worshiped for being source of fresh water.  Air, plant, trees, mountains and oceans were treated holy for providing essentials of human life.  
Plants, trees, forests, rivers, oceans and life are visible to us. Life is not possible without nature. The day nature dies, we all will die.  Shouldn’t we have to save our nature which is present with us or we are going to bloodshed for some god whom none of us have seen. 

India has legacy of accepting nature as god. It is widely believed that God resides in each and every particle of this planet. We treat cow as our mother because she provides us milk. We find holiness in plant, trees, rivers, mountains, soil and stones, not only holiness we believe them as a form of god.

Few people wanted to run their business of religion; hence they denied nature as a force of evolution. They came up with their own theory (propaganda); they created an imaginary god who is above the nature.  If someone questions them, he/she is termed as infidel or evil.   They misguided people using propaganda of hell and heaven. People got caught into deep dream of imaginary heaven and they started destroying this nature because now they don’t have to worry about nature, all they have to focus is how to go to heaven?  

 Let’s believe for a moment that there is some force called god and god created the nature. Did their god told them to destroy this beautiful nature?  Did their god told them to kill those who does not believe in their god.

If you believe that nature itself a force or if you believe that there is force above the nature called god. There is something common in both beliefs i.e. nature is associated to god and hurting anything which is associated to god is like defying the belief of god. 

Life is precious gift of nature. If we stop destroying nature, stop polluting nature, and keep respecting nature’s creations irrespective of color, shape and appearance, that should the best gratitude towards nature or god from us.   

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