India - A country of diversity not differences.

Namaste, My article is not an encyclopedia about India. I am hoping that i will be able to brief you about India based on my knowledge, my research from official portals of India and my personal experiences of living and traveling in many places in India. Please feel free to correct me, if you find any factual or grammatical inaccuracy.

"We owe a lot to Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." – Albert Einstein.

World's largest democracy and world’s seventh largest country in geographical area, India has population of 1.25 billion Indians (not brown Indian or white Indian or black Indian or dark skin Indian or fair skin Indian, just Indian). Indians might be famous for saving money but India is world’s third largest economy in purchasing power. India is 9th largest economy in GDP (Nominal). India is five thousand years old civilization but about 65% Indians are under the age of 35, which makes India youngest country in the world.  India has world’s third largest military power but India has never used his army against any country for invasion. India’s military power has only purpose; defend the region and protect people.

India is not divided in “North India” and “South India”; there are 29 states and 7 Union territories in India.
  • The Himalayas sits in northern part of Indian, with yoga Ashrams in Himalayan foothill regions. India's capital New Delhi is in northern part of India.
  • In North west, Camel ride can be adventures in hot sand “Thar” desert in the state of Maharajas.  
  • India’s most wealthy and industrialized west region is famous for Asiatic lions, Bombay city, Goa beaches and Bollywood etc. 
  • Eastern part of India is gifted with large network of rivers (Famous Ganges and Brahmaputra), river plains and World’s largest river delta (Ganges delta) meets Bay of Bengal. One of the natural habitats of famous Bengal Tiger is Sunderban is in Ganges delta. 
  • North East part has seven sister states, home of Rhinoceros, forests, tea gardens, Bramhaputra Valley and the most wettest place called Cherrapunji.  
  • Erotic art of Khajuraho temple in central part of India, can brief about ancient Indian text on sex called Kamasutra. 
  • South part of India will attract you with its pleasant costal view, 11th century temples built by Chola dynasty in state of Tamilnadu,  natural sandalwood tree forest, India's silicon valley Bangalore and tropical beauty of Kerala. 

India is home to world's largest number of cattle. India is also natural habitat to Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Cobra, Python, Monkeys, Rhinoceros, alligators and many more wild animals.

Summers are hot in most of India, but entire India is not hot oven; some parts are cold in summers. India also has winter, spring and monsoon (rainy) seasons which are not hot seasons. Indian cities are crowded but country side is quite.  Taj Mahal is famous monument in India and there are more. There are 25 cultural and 7 natural world heritage sites in India. 

Indian don't speak Indian because there isn't such language. India’s official language is Hindi and English is used as second official language. There are 22 constitutionally recognized regional languages including Punjabi, Tamil, Telgu, Bengali and several others. One of the most common language is Hindi but Hindi itself has several dialects, like Rajsthani, Haryanvi, Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Mithila, Brij etc. There so many languages and more than 100 dialects but all Indians communicate each other without any problem. Indians might have accent in their voice, but more than 100 million Indians speak English.

Not every food that Indians eat is curry. But yes Indians can put anything in their curry; be it beans, lentils, legumes, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and even fresh cheese (called “Paneer” in India).  One of the most common staple diets is “Daal” (a kind of soup made from lentils/legumes) which is commonly eaten with rice.  This “Daal” is cooked with Ghee (Clarified butter) or plain butter in northern part, and it will be sauté (Tadka) with few spices in Eastern part.  Same “Daal” will be sweet in Gujarat (western part of India) and when you reach to southern part of Indian which is also spice belt of India, The same “Daal” will have more spices and becomes “Sambhar”.  You might find variance in flavor but almost all Indians eat same food. 

Information Technology is one of the major industries in India but All Indians are not software programmers or call center workers. India has one of the largest pools of almost every profession. More than 50 % employment is generated through agriculture; which makes India as second largest agricultural commodity producer in the world. India was also able to drive a successful Mars mission with a budget lesser than an Hollywood movie "Gravity". India build its own fighter jet "Tejas". India build satellites and very soon India will have its own GPS. Now Microsoft has an Indian CEO Satya Nadela, Google has CEO Sunder Pichai , Jaguar and Land Rover is taken over by an Indian group (Tata).

All Indian men don’t stare at women. Yes there are few uncivilized and crazy ones but not all. India is a country where women  are worshiped as god; Durga for courage, Laxmi for wealth/prosperity and Saraswati for knowledge. 

India had a golden and sad past. ISIS, Taliban and Al-Qaida might be new terms of horror for world, India was under invasion of similar terrorist forces for more than 1000 years. India used to have universities in 5th century but everything was destroyed. You can picture that amount of destruction which is happening in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq etc. But India survived, India stood up and India is standing on its feet now.  Yes there are problems in India, India is accepting it and working towards "Digital India", " Skill India", "Clean India", "Startup India" and "Make in India".

India is country of diversity not differences.  India has one culture i.e. Be kind to everyone. India believes “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” means “The World is one family”. India believes “सर्वे भवन्ति सुखिन” means “Be happy All”, India believes “Truth is one, there can be different ways of knowing it.”

Thank you for reading.   

To find out more about India. Please visit these links.
India Profile  Cultural Heritage  States of India  World heritage sites in India 

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