Youth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (युवा प्रवासी भारतीय दिवस)

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) is celebrated once in every two years to strengthen the engagement of the overseas Indian community with the Government of India(Bharat) and reconnect them with their roots. The 15th PBD Convention was held on 21-23 January 2019 in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Special arrangements were also made for participation in Kumbh Mela and Republic day parade.

It was an honour for me when Government of India asked me to be part of youth delegates joining the group of young diasporas from different parts of the world. We were invited to represent the youth diaspora outside Bharat. 

We were invited to meet 3000 National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers selected across Indian for different universities and the students of Banaras Hindu University (BHU). The purpose was to meet and share our ideas and thoughts with the young minds of Bharat. It is long distance travel and I need to leave from work to visit but since it was for a great cause, I decided to travel Bharat to be part of Yuva Pravasi Bhartiya Divas.    

I arrived at Varanasi Airport at midday. Airport was crowded with young diaspora. People were coming from every part of the world.  It was like a festival. You are welcomed with garland and spiritual rituals. Few Indian priests were chanting Sanskrit mantras. There were people who will see India for the first time, They might have heard stories about their ancestors but this is the first time they see India. I saw few people in tears. I saw people were bowing down to the land offering their respect to the motherland of their ancestors. It is rare to see such emotional connect with the land in any part of the world.  
Day 1 
Youth Pravasi Bhartiya Divas - First day January 21 was dedicated for the young diaspora to engage with New India, Students of Banaras Hindu University and National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers from every corner of the country.

I feel honoured that I was invited as one of the youth delegates to participate in discussion on the topic of “Role of sports in building healthy society” and interact with students of university and 3000 more students from NSS(National Service Scheme) came from every part of India.  

I joined the panel with fellow panellist friends from different countries.  They all added their interesting and valuable views on many aspects of sports to build a healthy society. I focused my view on unity in diversity that how sports creates unity in diversity. I used an example of Indian cricket team that team would have a batsman from Delhi, a bowler from Tamilnadu. A wicket keeper from Jharkhand and spinner from Karanataka. They all come from different states, regions and they speak different languages. But when the team play against another team, they all become one with one voice and one objective. And this “oneness/ऐक्यम्/एकता ” I am talking about and the same can be achieved in our society through sports.”

Later we interacted with students, teachers and other guests. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. There were students from every corner of the country. I tried to meet as many of them as possible since I was there as a youth delegate. They all were nice to me. I asked them if they have any questions. They all have something to ask or share. I remember one girl’s question She asked me that she wants to go to Australia to pursue a masters in Physical education. I asked her what’s the problem then. She said that she is afraid whether she will find a job post studies in Australia. I asked her what if you don't get a job in Australia. She told me she has to come back to India. I asked her again, will she get a job here in India. She replied yes, she will get a job in India. I told her in either case you get a job here or in Australia, That’s not gonna be the end of the world. So don't be scared to go to Australia, You will have new experience in Australia. 
Varanasi(Kashi) - Varanasi is believed to be the oldest city alive on this planet. Its travellers must go destination. Since the whole event is happening in Varanasi we were so lucky to be in the city.  We got the opportunity to join the boat ride in Ganga to see the live Arti at Varanasi ghats and visit to Kashi Viswanath Temple. I was very happy to see that Mother Ganga is getting cleaner now. There were musical programs on the bank of the Ganga. One act was very interesting which was a fusion of Spanish dance and classical Indian dances Kathak and Bhratnatyam. 
I visited Sarnath the place where Buddha gave his first teaching of Dharma. Sarnath brings you into peace and tranquility. You can see more than 2000 years old remains.    If you plan to visit India, Well Varanasi is definitely a must visit. 
Day 2 
Pravasi Bhartiya Divas - Next day at the main event of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, Bhartiya diaspora from all over the world gathered here in Varanasi. They were some people who came to Bharat first time. I saw people touching the ground in respect and they were in tears to have the glimpse of their root.
We had the opportunity to listen to Bharat's Yogi Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi who was inaugurating the event.  He is a charismatic leader and he has a great vision for Bharat. Later in the evening we watched live a dance act of famous movie star and classical dancer Shrimati Hema Malini. The entire act had very beautiful message of saving our rivers. 
Day 3 
Kumbh Mela - Next day we were heading to Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, which is about 200 kilometres away from Varanasi. On the way people from villages and towns were welcoming us. I was overwhelmed with their welcome, love, kindness and generosity. After reaching at Kumbh venue, we were welcomed with remarkable display of art, music and dance performed by regional folk dancers and singers from may parts of Bharat. Everyone was overwhelmed with the welcome reception. I know they must have worked so hard to prepare the whole event. The scene here actually brought me in tears.   It was a proud moment for me when I notice everyone who came from different parts of the world, are so overwhelmed by the hospitality since i belong to the same region of Uttar Pradesh. 

Kumbh was something which I had never seen before. Be it the gigantic scale of river Ganga and Yamuna or the event of such mammoth size. It was a celebration and nature and humanity. I am fortunate that I took a bath in Sangam and visited the ancient tree Akshay Vat where Rama, Lakshmana and Sita are said to have rested beneath this tree. 
After taking a dip and bathing in Sangam, I have to wait for the group. So quiet of few of them were busy taking selfies with ministers of the government of India and the ministers of the state Uttar Pradesh. I was not keen for selfie with ministers. If they were alone, I would have gone to greet them but I don't like this celebrity culture. And it's not my style to run for selfie or a picture with so called "famous" people. They might be famous but i have my self respect. Whats the point of getting the picture with someone who wont even remember me.  

Anyway while I was waiting for the group, I just started wandering around on the banks of Sangam.  I saw a group of people in uniform, They cleaning and maintaining the venue. I walked towards them and greeted them. Suddenly a police officer came. He assumed that I am a very important person. He asked me Sir Please give them some advice not to waste their money and health with alcohol consumption. He was referring to the men of the cleaning team. Alcohol is a big problem for poor families where men spend a big share of their earnings to buy alcohol, Later it causes domestic violence and brings more poverty in family.  

I talked to the cleaning team. I told them I understand that it may not be easy to get rid of the addiction. But think about your children and what future you want to give them. Do you want them to struggle for basic needs of life? I also suggested that please make sure your send you children into school and going to school doesn’t necessary means that kid has to become scientist. he/she can do anything they want.  I know school system are not perfect but schools offer learning. You learn subjects, you learn to play, you learn to solve problems.  

Later during our casual conversation I also asked where do they come from. They told me that they are from some other districts. They are working as cleaning workers on Kumbh assignments for few months. I asked if they had their dinner since it was about go dark in the evening. They told me that they will prepare after work finishes. I actually wanted to take them to a nice restaurant for dinner but I had to leave soon with the group. 

I asked them what you all are cooking tonight. They said as usual Roti and Sabji(Vegetables) and may be daal and rice as well. I asked how about making Kheer(Indian style rice pudding) for dessert. They were like.. We are actually saving money. I offered them some money to cook to have the dessert Kheer in their dinner meal. They were very shy to accept it. I insisted, I told I am like your son. I will be happy if you make dessert tonight and distribute to everyone. 

One lady took the money. She was in tears and almost cried. She told me Sahab(Sir) you see hundreds and thousands of people come here from all over the world. See how they so eager to have photo with ministers (She was referring to these people who were buzzing around the politicians like group of bees)  But You are the first who noticed us. You are the first one who came to talk to us and thought about us.  We bless you. 

It was sad to see that how society has become so cruel that people don't offer gratitude for someone's service. I told them I came here to see the divine mother Ganga and I saw you all god’s own people who are helping mother Ganga to maintain her divinity. I see divine Ishvara in mother Ganga and I see the divine Ishvara in you all . I am blessed to meet you. Maybe these people are blind if they can’t see the divinity in you. I thanked them all for talking to me. Now I have to leave. I said goodbye to them. 

While returning I was on the bus with our group.  I was thinking about what's wrong with society. There might be so many problems in India but the biggest problem from my understanding is that Rich people don't respect the poor. And disrespect by the rich towards the poor, makes the poor person to believe that to earn respect in society they have to be rich, which is so against the Indian values.            
While i was thinking our bus reached the train station. There was a special train arrangement  to go to New Delhi and see the Parade on Republic day. I decided to skip watching the parade. I was meeting with my friends. I was excited to meet them.    

I will summarise my experience at PBD, Varanasi and in Prayag that Bharat(India) offers love, kindness, nature, colours and cultures.  Mother India (Bharat Mata) never forgets its children. 

Thank you so much for reading.
हरि ॐ तत सत!  
ॐ शान्ति: शांति: शान्ति:
#PBD2019 #PravasiAtVaranasi #NRIinKumbh #Kumbh2019 #PravasiBharatiyaDivas #MyPBDMoment

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