Waiwaiā Tairua

This weekend by 8.30 AM I reached to Tairua (a town in Coromondel Peninsula) to my friend’s home town. I was welcomed by Mom, Dad, Bela and my friend.  You all are so lovely and one of the nicest people I have met till now.  You all made me feel that I was at home. I had never imagined that there could a house which is opposite to beach and there is river flowing in backyard which also has a bridge to cross the river and enter into backyard garden which has lots of beautiful flowers, native trees and fruit trees. It is very sacred place.  I am fortunate that I spend a wonderful weekend into your paradise with you all.

First day of morning we had a long distance call to our closest friend which was a great start of the day.  We went for a walk to a hill. I loved the true nature of the entire walk, I was astonished by the view from the top. I can’t be in more agreement with my friend that it is one of the best place in Coromandel. I was so excited and happy to be there that I forgot to ask name of the place. I will update it soon. 

After coming down we went to winery we have Feijoa cider, wood fried pizza and chips. Pizza was amazing and believe me best cider I ever had. Again in excitement, I totally forgot the name of the place, typical me.

It was also my first experience to see fresh water meets sea water while standing meeting point.   We came back to home. Me and my friend we both cooked food had a nice conversation with every one, watched a tele drama about Queen Victoria. I slept within 10-15 minutes of going to bed. I had such a sound sleep. My friend, your home is literally a paradise! 

Next morning with chat with mom and dad, did some Yoga, read a bit about history of New Zealand while sitting beside the river with lovely Bela. My friend made yummy and healthy omelet with bread toast. We went to walk with Bela to the beach, we noticed that there is good waves for surfing in the sea. My friend is very good in surfing.  We decided to go to Surf and we went to surf. I think I did alright since it was my first time with surf board. Thank you for teaching me surfing, I would love to learn more :)

After surfing we visited a nearby town had some conversations of our childhood and teenager memories. All the way to our journey both days we had some lots of conversation of past, present and future.  We talked about visiting India, believe me friend our trip to India, will be an epic journey. My brothers, sisters and parents will be very happy to meet you.

It was my best weekend in NZ. Thank you Mom, Dad, Bela and you my dear friend. Love you all.

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