What! cooked food in tin cans.

When I say food as a meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner in my hometown that means a freshly cooked meal. Except condiments like pickles (Aachaar) which is preserved with salt, oil and spices. We also have stored dried food such Papad (also known as Papadum), which you later deep fry in oil to eat. But the main meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner are always freshly cooked. If there is leftover, maybe you can eat in your next meal or feed to the cattle or stray animals around. If there is a guest at home, you always serve freshly cooked meal to the guest. 

Meals are usually Daal, Sabjee (Cooked vegetables) or Saag (Cooked spinach or other leafy greens), Rice and Roti (Flatbread). Seasonal fruits and vegetables will be always in demand since are easily available and economical to buy. The whole concept of the food there is largely based on the principals of Ayurveda. Most of the meals are Sattvic in nature. What I am trying to say that there was no concept of preserving the food. 

I had never seen cooked food packed in a tin or in a plastic box. First time I saw a tinned Baked Beans in a supermarket of Toronto (Canada). There was picture of cooked beans at the tin container. I though container has raw beans which you can cook like the picture. I was wondering why raw beans are stored in a tin container.  It can be sold in plastic bag, paper bag or in loose.

Later I came to know that tin container has cooked food inside. It was a shocker for me. Don’t get me wrong. I am not criticising the baked beans in a tin container. It was simply a new concept for me. Something new which I had never seen. I wasn’t familiar with the concept of preserving cooked food in such mechanism. I wasn’t very keen to try this food. But I was curious how it tastes like. I tried it once and I didn’t like it. That was the first and probably the last time I ate baked beans from the tin container.

One day I was talking to my flat mate who was student of Sustainable Agriculture. He is from USA. He was telling me about the food culture in USA. He told me that in his country they have a frozen meal. Which is basically a cooked meal frozen in a plastic container and to eat this meal all you have to do is make few holes at the top, put it in microwave and within few minutes your food is ready. I was like really! I have never tried this frozen meal. Maybe one day when I got no other option.

If you want to know about my personal preference of food that would be something produced locally, seasonal and fresh. But that doesn’t mean I follow the same all the time. Sometimes I can’t resist for myself for a treat J  

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your meal.

First sight of Pedestrian Crossing Button

My first visit outside India was in Toronto, Canada. I went there for my work. After arrival in Canada I joined the work immediately. My colleague picked me from the airport and later he picked me to go to the work. It was very nice hospitality and gesture by my work colleague friends. The entire first week I get a ride to work and back home. 

I am in this new time zone which is 11 hours behind from Indian time. It was a complete new experience of life. Getting over the jet lag wasn’t easy.  I used to be tired and sleepy after work so didn’t go out anywhere. Afterwork I come home and fall a sleep immediately. Entire first week was go to work and come home to sleep, waking up at like 3 or 4AM and then go back to sleep again. 

In next few days i started to settle down. I remember the first weekend. Saturday morning I went out. It was nice sunny and bright. I like to walk. I decided to go for the walk and explore this new place. I always prefer to explore a new place by walk. I followed one street and kept walking straight. After crossing a bit of suburban part, I see the glimpse of city and shops from a distance. Well suddenly an intersection of two streets came. It was a busy road. Cars were coming fast. I don’t know how to cross the road. I see the traffic light but it was red for my side. I thought light would turn green in few minutes so I can cross  the road. Light was continuously red next 4 or 5 minutes and so. 

I don’t even know what is the rule here to cross the road when there is traffic light. I know It does not make sense right now how come I don’t know how to cross the road. You will understand me very soon that what I am trying to say. So I can’t break the rule to cross the road when red traffic light is on and I can’t put myself in danger by crossing this busy road while vehicles were continuously driving in speed. I am stuck here don’t know how to cross the road. I don’t see any other pedestrian. I was all by myself. 

I am just observing and trying to figure out how to cross the road. I did notice two white lines starting from my side to the other end. I notice a pole which has a big button and a beep sound in it. I come from country side of India. I had never seen any such thing in my life. I was wondering what it is for? is it a button ask for help? or to press so I can cross the road. So many confusions in my mind. I don’t know what to do. After few minutes I was like okay I am going to press this button, I will see what happen next. 

I was little scared to press the button. But I did. Nothing happened immediately but soon light from the traffic side turned yellow and then red and same time my side a sound started and light turned green. The pole at other end has a LED light board and it started lightening like pedestrian is walking. I was still not sure should I cross the road or not. But when I noticed that all the cars from traffic side have stopped.. I started walking between the white lines which was pedestrian crossing. 

Such a relief..finally I could cross the road. While crossing the road I was like wow.. this is "high tech" and pedestrian friendly.  Yes I am a village boy. I have lived in few small cities in India but I had never seen this “Pedestrian Crossing Button”. It was my first sight of and first press of  Pedestrian Crossing Button. 

झूठी क्रांति, झूठा गुणगान की सनक में आपने इन लाखों ग़रीब बच्चों का सपना छीन लिया।

   निशु को नौंवी में फेल करने बाद उसका दोबारा प्रवेश नहीं किया गया 

राजनीतिक टिप्पणी से दूर रहने का प्रयास करता हूँ पर जब लाखों ग़रीब बच्चों का भविष्य अंधकार में डाल दिया जाता है तब अपनी अंतरात्मा की आवाज़ सुनकर यह लिख रहा हूँ।   

2018 के शैक्षिक वर्ष में दिल्ली के सरकारी स्कूलों में कक्षा नौंवी से बारहवी तक कुल 1,55,436 विद्यार्थी फेल हुए। इनमे से केवल  52,582 को पुनः परीक्षा में बैठने का मौक़ा दिया गया।  एक लाख दो हज़ार आठ सौ चौव्वन को दोबारा परीक्षा में बैठने ही नहीं दिया गया। उनके आगे पढ़ने का रास्ता बंद हो गया। इन बच्चों के सपनो का गला घोंट दिया क्योंकि दिल्ली में बैठी एक निक्कमी सरकार को झूठी वाहवाही बटोरिनी थी। वैसे भी इनलोगो को क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है सरकारी स्कूल में वैसे भी ग़रीब के बच्चे पढ़ते हैं। उनके बारे में क्यों सोचना। इनके बच्चे तो महँगे महँगे स्कूलों में जाते हैं।  

शिक्षा की क्रांति का झूठा गुणगान सुनिए। महानुभाव जी की सरकार ने गिनती के दो से पाँच विद्यालयों में कुर्सी मेज़ AC और स्विमिंग पूल जैसा कुछ बनाया है। और अपने अंध अनुयायियों को फ़ोटो बाट दिया कि  देखो हमने कितनी बड़ी क्रांति की है। शिक्षा का स्तर अगर  AC और स्विमिंग पूल बनाने से अच्छा हो जाता तो विश्व के सभी समृद्ध देश स्कूलों में AC और स्विमिंग पूल बनाते। और साहब अगर इतनी बड़ी क्रांति की है आपने तो आपके बच्चे क्यों नहीं जाते इन स्कूलों में। उपहास उड़ा रहे हो ग़रीबों का।  

नौंवी में गणित में फेल करके शीतल को भी पुनः प्रवेश नहीं दिया गया
मैं समझता हूँ कि इतना आसान नहीं होता चीज़ों का अचानक बदलना। समय लगता है पर आपने झूठी वाहवाही और अपने सनक में इन लाखों बच्चों का सपना छीन लिया। आप चुनाव जीतो हारो उससे मुझे कोई फ़र्क़ पड़ता पर आपको इन लाखों बच्चों श्राप ज़रूर लगेगा। ईश्वर आपके पाप का हिसाब ज़रूर करेगा। 

"दुर्बल को सताइये, जाकी मोटी हाय |
मरी खाल की सांस से, लोह भसम हो जाय ||
