Was it fate or bad Karma? Don't know..

Life has never been easy. It has been tough and struggling since my first day till I can recall my memory. People who know me since my childhood, would tell me that they are surprised that how me and my siblings survived. Well i don’t know how me and my family survived those days.

Now when I look back, it brings tears in my eyes. In very simple words. It was a struggle for survival of life. Sometimes I ask question to the almighty, the divine universal soul, the God that what was my fault? I was just born with an empty slate, I guess. Unless there was some backlog of bad karma from previous life. What was with all the sufferings at that early age?  Why we have to suffer so much and without knowing the reason.

Even later in my life, there will be so many problems, obstacles, hurdles in the path I wanted to choose. There would be moments when It would almost become impossible to move forward. I would lose faith. Before I do something stupid in frustration and hopelessness, A path was opened, so I could move forward. I have gone through so many situations like this. When I was not able to move through those difficult situations, but I feel as the Divine soul of this universe, family and friends love and blessings helped me to pass tough situations. I am grateful for everything.

I am a believer of Karma. Sometimes it makes me think did I do some bad Karma? Or is it the bad Karma from the previous life. I don’t know. I know pain and suffering part of life why so much just for one individual. Can’t it be in balance.

I always try to not do anything with the wrong intention. I am sure I might have done many bad things but believe me I don’t have any intention to hurt anyone. If by mistake I have done any harm to anyone, I humbly apologies from my heart. Please forgive me if you have been hurt by words or actions.  I say sorry if I have hurt you in any way.

I am sorry lately I couldn’t reply to many of yours’s text messages or calls. You all are in my thoughts. Have been busy and quite a few things are going on in my mind lately. I am safe and fine.

अहम मित्रम
Aaham Mitram
I am your friend.

अहम प्रेमा
Aaham Prema
I am divine love.

मा विद्विषावहै 
Maa vid-vissaa-vahai
May there be no animosity among us

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः 
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
Om peace, peace, peace