Dream continued for three times...

I came very early from work this afternoon. I did some daily routine stuff. Then jumped to bed and started watching a documentary. I don't know when I went in to sleep. Today I saw a dream which I see quite often with different locations. But my dream was lot different than usual once. It started with same thing that I see you my friend and try to reach but every time I can't. Today saw that you are going inside a building. I went inside to look for you. It was a massive building. I think it was Train Station. There were so many trains and elevators. And I got lost.

I suddenly woke up, I had some water and slept again. Same dream continue, I am still inside the building looking for you suddenly I saw you again. You were taking stairs and going up. I followed you. I was about to reach you but suddenly I saw my uncle(my father's elder brother) and his bedroom. I was surprised to see his place exactly the same the way it was years ago, he doesn't live there since last 16 years and it's abandoned place now. His door was open and he was sleeping. I entered in his room he recognized that it's me. He asked me to take some books which were there on the table. I took the books and keep going up to look for you.

I woke up again I thing because few people were talking loud here. Somehow I slept again same dream again continues. This time I saw you again on same stairs and you are going upstairs. I was super excited to see you. I ran towards you but when I reached to you; you looked at me like stranger. You didn't talk neither do I. But soon realized that it someone else not you. Someone who exactly look like you but it wasn't you.

I am awake now. I just dialed to call on phone to you and and my uncle to tell about the dream.

Same dream continued for three times.